Peripartum Care and Maternal Mental Health


Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

One of my passions is working with parents, pre and post baby. Postpartum Depression and Anxiety affect 1 in 5 women. It can feel scary and strange to ask for help and admit that life does not look like the maternal bliss we see on Instagram or read about in pregnancy books. New parenthood is often messy and uncertain all at once. I have advanced training from the Postpartum Stress Center, I’m a member of Postpartum Support International and I was certified as a Certified Postpartum Mental Health Counselor in 2021. I “get it” and often work with the following issues:

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Postpartum Anxiety

  • Infertility

  • Pregnancy Loss

  • Multiples

  • Dads get emotional after baby, too!

Babies are welcome in my therapy office, but often moms/dads prefer to leave their babies in the care of a trusted caregiver to have an hour to themselves that is just about them. Either way works for me.